Supplier Code of Conduct
Quellenstr. 14
66121 Saarbruecken


1. Scope

This Code of Conduct sets out how CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH and affiliated companies (“CERAFILTEC”) define ethical and honest behaviour when working with suppliers. For the purposes of this Supplier Code of Conduct, the term “Supplier” includes all natural and legal persons that provide goods and/or services to CERAFILTEC.

The principles contained in this Code of Conduct are binding for all CERAFILTEC Suppliers. We expect our Suppliers to take appropriate measures to ensure that their suppliers also comply with these principles.

2. Lawful Behaviour

Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations is of the highest priority for CERAFILTEC. Our Suppliers shall always comply with the applicable legislation of the countries in which they operate when carrying out their business activities. 

3. Corruption and Bribery

Any form of corruption, bribery, kickbacks or facilitation payments is prohibited. In particular, our Suppliers are prohibited from granting inappropriate or unlawful benefits or requesting or receiving inappropriate or unlawful benefits; the form in which a benefit is granted is irrelevant. We will not accept any form of influence on decision-making processes through the improper granting of benefits – whether in cooperation with business partners or with political decision-makers.

4. Human Rights

Our Suppliers respect the dignity of every human being and are committed to the protection of human rights. They respect and promote internationally recognised human rights and labour rights as set out in international human rights treaties and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our Suppliers reject all forms of forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery; they do not tolerate child labour or any other form of child exploitation. Our Suppliers follow up on indications of such violations in their supply chains and work towards ending them.

5. Labour and Social Standards

For CERAFILTEC, compliance with the highest standards of occupational health and safety is an absolute priority. We expect our Suppliers to take all necessary measures to create safe and healthy working conditions and to minimise hazards in the workplace. Our Suppliers respect the legally guaranteed rights of their employees. In particular, they comply with the applicable local laws and regulations on minimum wages and ensure a respectful, non-discriminatory working environment.

6. Money Laundering, Tax Evasion and Financing of Terrorism

CERAFILTEC Suppliers must ensure that their business activities comply with the legal requirements for combating money laundering, tax evasion and financing of terrorism at all times. CERAFILTEC expects its Suppliers to carry out the legally required assessments and to ensure the identity and integrity of their business partners before entering into business relationships. Our Suppliers only accept funds that originate from legal and traceable sources.

7. Foreign Trade and Customs Regulations

Our Suppliers comply with the applicable export control laws, embargo and sanctions regulations and other foreign trade and customs regulations. They review their customers and business partners to identify whether they are subject to embargoes or sanctions and take appropriate measures to ensure that all managers and employees are familiar with the relevant export control and sanctions regulations and apply them correctly.

8. Conflict of Interest

CERAFILTEC expects Suppliers to avoid any conflicts of interest or situations that could give rise to the presumption of a potential conflict of interest in their companies and in their relationship with CERAFILTEC. Conflicts of interest that cannot reasonably be avoided must be made fully transparent to CERAFILTEC.

9. Environment and Sustainability

Our Suppliers strive for the environmental compatibility and sustainability of their end products, production facilities and services; they are aware of their environmental impact and actively shape it. We expect our Suppliers to work on environmental protection within their company by minimising their negative impact on the environment and using resources efficiently.

10. Antitrust Law, Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property

Our Suppliers comply with the applicable antitrust and competition laws. In particular, our Suppliers are prohibited from participating in anti-competitive agreements or behaviour. This includes price fixing, anti-competitive market sharing, bid tampering or other forms of collusion with competitors. We reject any form of monopolies or abuse of a dominant market position. Our Suppliers do not infringe the intellectual property of third parties or participate in such infringement by third parties.

11. Protection of Trade Secrets, Data Protection and Data Security

Our Suppliers ensure that sensitive information and trade secrets of CERAFILTEC are treated confidentially and effectively protected against unauthorised access.
Our Suppliers handle personal data carefully and responsibly, protect it from unauthorised access and only process it for permitted purposes.

12. Keeping of Records

We expect our Suppliers to ensure that their business records are complete, accurate and not misleading. The applicable retention obligations must be complied with.

13. Audit Rights vis-Ă -vis Suppliers

To ensure that all CERAFILTEC Suppliers comply with the requirements set out in this Supplier Code of Conduct, CERAFILTEC reserves the right to conduct audits of its Suppliers. These audits may be unannounced and may include a comprehensive review of production processes, labour conditions and environmental practices. CERAFILTEC expects full transparency and co-operation from its Suppliers during the audit process. If deviations or violations are identified during an audit, CERAFILTEC will work with the supplier to develop and implement corrective actions.

Non-compliance with the principles contained in this Code of Conduct or the relevant legal and regulatory requirements may lead to a review of the business relationship and, if necessary, to the termination of the cooperation.

14. Whistleblower System and Protection of Whistleblowers

We expect our Suppliers to provide employees and third parties with access to secure and confidential reporting channels. Our Suppliers ensure that legal or ethical concerns can be reported without fear of retaliation.